by Mike Macfadden | Feb 22, 2012
This video demonstrates how Science teachers can use Edmodo in their classrooms. Polling Edmodo’s built in polling utility helps spark class discussion and increases student engagement. The video above shows one such way science teachers use the polling utility...
by Mike Macfadden | Feb 22, 2012
This video demonstrates how Social Studies teachers can use Edmodo in their classrooms. Bloom’s Taxonomy Too often teachers and students rely on technology education resources for the sole purpose of digital consumption. We watch videos, read articles, and...
by Mike Macfadden | Feb 22, 2012
This video demonstrates how Language Arts teachers can use Edmodo in their classrooms. Language Arts One of Edmodo’s greatest assets is its ability to facility online discussion. Edmodo makes this easy, especially with its ability to include rich media...
by Mike Macfadden | Feb 22, 2012
This video demonstrates how to create an online quiz on edmodo. Online Quiz Edmodo allows you to create online quizzes comprised of multiple choice, true or false, and fill in the blank questions. This feature is an invaluable teacher resource. Edmodo provides a...
by Mike Macfadden | Feb 10, 2012
Edmodo is like “Facebook” for schools. Unlike most installations of Moodle or Blackboard, Edmodo provides an incredibly intuitive and user friendly course management system. It is completely web-based, requires no installation, and is free to register....