Every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm CST, I participate in a discussion on Twitter with fellow business teachers from all over the country. We follow a Q1/A1 format and tag every tweet with #busedu. Most of us use Tweet Deck to follow and add to the conversation. Our archived chats are available here:
“The best professional development I receive takes place every other Tuesday on Twitter.”
What follows are 5 reasons, in no particular order, why I participate in Twitter discussions:
- my professional learning network (PLN) grows to include amazing teachers
- I learn of initiatives and programs that haven’t reached my school yet
- a single Twitter discussion tends to offer way more value than a typical Professional Development Session
- participating in Twitter discussions is an actionable step towards achieving a growth mindset
- my “cyber colleagues” share curricular resources that positively impact my instruction and student learning
What are you waiting for? Find a Twitter discussion of your own today!