This post includes web-based resources for a unit on Animals.

SMART Board Activity - Down on the FarmSMART Board Activity

This SMART Board Activity is a modified version of Stacy Hamilton-Jones’ s Down on the Farm lesson that can be downloaded from the SMART Exchange.

If you don’t have a SMART Exchange account, it is free to set up and only takes a minute.  Set up your own account here.

*must have SMART Notebook installed to open file.


National Geographic for Kids - Creature FeatureWeb Resources

This list of resources provides information on a wide variety of animals.

Farm Animal Interactive Activities

Interactive Activities

Check out this Interactive Activity from

This batch of activities is geared more towards a pre-school/kindergarten audience.

Instructional Video

Introduce your students to self guided instructional video with this clip from Kirsty’s Kids Art. Your students will learn to draw a cow, pig, sheep, and dog.  Let them pause the video and rewind as they follow each step along the way.


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